
twitter-profile-picture-croppedMy name is Allison Hosier and I’m the Head of Information Literacy at the University at Albany, SUNY. I’m also the author of Using Context in Information Literacy Instruction and a co-editor of Communications in Information Literacy.

As a researcher, I am interested in the contextual nature of research and the metaconcept that research is both an activity and a subject of study, an idea I adapted from work by Linda Adler-Kassner and Elizabeth Wardle and first wrote about in an article published in College & Research Libraries.

These days, my work is leading me down two separate but related research paths. The first is understanding the contextual nature of research. The second is learning about the role of research in fiction writing.

Eventually I would like for this blog to become a space for conversation on these two topics. If you’re interested in helping me start that conversation, I would love to hear from you!